Impact on Urinary Control: Urinary Incontinence

One of the major side effects men may face after a prostatectomy is urinary incontinence, which is the inability to control urine. This can be attributed to factors such as increased pressure on the bladder or muscle spasms caused by the surgery. The impact on the sphincter muscle, which controls bladder flow, can also contribute to this condition.

Erectile Dysfunction Post-Prostatectomy

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is another prevalent side effect of prostate removal. The surgery can disrupt the nerves involved in erections, leading to erectile dysfunction. However, it is important to note that most men experience some decline in erectile function after their prostate is removed, but this can be managed. For some, it may take six months or even longer to regain normal function.

Changes in Urethra and Bladder Neck Post-Surgery

Post-surgery alterations can occur in the urethra and bladder neck. The proximity of these structures to the prostate means that their function can be disrupted during the surgery, leading to complications.

Formation of Cysts and Lymphoceles After Radical Prostatectomy

Another potential side effect of a radical prostatectomy is the formation of cysts and lymphoceles. These are pockets of lymph fluid that can develop as a complication after surgery. However, this is a relatively rare occurrence.

Alterations in Orgasm Post-Prostate Removal

Men may experience changes in their orgasm after a prostatectomy. Because the prostate gland and seminal vesicles make the majority of semen fluid, men after prostatectomy will no longer ejaculate. They can still have the pleasurable sensation of orgasm, just without ejaculate fluid. It is important to understand that men can still enjoy penile orgasms after prostate removal.

Fertility Loss as a Consequence of Prostate Removal

Fertility loss is another side effect of prostate removal.

The surgery cuts the connection between the testicles and the urethra and causes retrograde ejaculation.This results in a man being unable to provide sperm for conception, leading to infertility.

Lymphedema: Leg Swelling After Lymph Node Removal

Lymphedema, or swelling in one or both legs, can occur after the removal of lymph nodes during the prostate removal surgery. This condition is caused by a blockage in the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system.

Changes in Penis Length After Prostate Removal

Changes in penis length are also possible after prostate removal. Some men report a shortening of the penis after surgery. This change can impact self-esteem and overall sexual experience.

Variations in Side Effects Severity and Predictability

The severity of these side effects can vary from person to person. Not all men who undergo prostate removal will experience all these side effects, and some may experience others not listed. The effects can also vary in intensity and duration.

Medical Support: Role of Doctors, Therapy, and Treatment

Regardless of the side effects experienced, it's crucial that men receive adequate medical support following prostate removal. Doctors play a critical role in helping patients manage these side effects, often through a combination of therapy and other treatments. They can provide strategies to mitigate the side effects and improve quality of life post-surgery. The goal is not just to treat the cancer but also to help men adjust to life after prostate removal.